Saturday, February 16, 2008

I'm So Done With Winter

This bloody cold weather; I'm done with it. I hate wearing four layers of clothing and looking like The Michelin Man. I feel bulky, restricted and harnassed in my clothing. It's uncomfortable and it's making me very grumpy.

It's at this point in the season where I am utterly exasperated. I deplore trawling through the closet searching for an appropriate coat, scarf and other cold weather accoutrements. My skin feels like burlap from exposure to the elements, despite continued and copious applications of moisturizer. And what's worse, it's not tempting to go outside and enjoy this city when it's cold and the wind is whipping around your ears. Screw it--it's better to spread your fat ass on the couch and watch a "Rock of Love" marathon on VH1 instead.

It's just when you get to this point that you get that little slice of hope that keeps you going. Today I passed a local garden space (and it was a 6 ft. by 6 ft. area). In the frozen soil I saw a shaft of green emerge from frigid ground. The promise it boldly presented of a pristine spring, renewal and new life was inspiring. Really, it takes so little.

I had an epiphany while looking at that single blade of green. I saw that with the spring there may be a change for me. Something this year will be different. A rebirth? I couldn't tell you what it was, but let's hope it's interesting. Watch this space.


caryl said...

It was so cold here in Texas last week that we had to turn on the heater!!

(sorry, don't hate me)

Julie said...

Why, are you pregnant?


Anonymous said...

Yay! I'll tune in for sure. :-)
Can't wait for the spring too. And to be naked on a white sand beach. Eww...scratch that last one.

Karen said...

You know Julie, I was thinking the same thing. If any babies are on the way, I want to know all about it.

I saw little yellow crocuses peeking out yesterday. I get so excited at the thought of spring's arrival.

Chicken And Waffles said...

Sorry to dissapoint you, kids, but pregnancy is nowhere on my radar. I appreciate the wordplay association, however.

That beach Zen mentioned is sounding very appealing, however...

Unknown said...

Winter is making me want to climb the walls! I'm hoping to maybe see some crocuses in the next few weeks if it ever thaws out enough and more of the damn snow melts. I'm forcing some bulbs indoors this year to try to cheer myself up.

morewines said...

70 degrees here and lots of wine flowing this holiday weekend.

amynoroom said...

I'm sick of winter too. It's depressing the crap out of me,