Monday, February 25, 2008

The Skeeve Meter

Someone at work had picked up some children's cards that featured a cheerful, goofy clown. I saw them sitting on her desk and I had a completely physical reaction. My lips curled back, a shiver ran through me, my skin tightened. I simply can't handle clowns in any way, shape or form.

Perhaps I had a traumatic childhood event at the Barnum & Bailey's circus that I have chosen to blank out, but to this day if I see anyone is clown guise (even something as simple as the red nose), I recoil in horror. And God help them if they approach me for it's likely I might attack them in my sheer and unreasonable terror.

Once I recovered from the shock of seeing the clown cards, I started thinking if there was anything else that causes such a physical reaction. I categorize it as my "Skeeve Meter." There are few items that would qualify as HIGH on the meter, but clowns are at the top. They would be followed by:

-Mimes (they're practically cousins to the clown);
-People in animal costumes with big heads. Sport Team mascots are included;
-Men hocking lugies, especially if it is proceeded by a particularly boisterous collection of said phlegm in their throats first (OK, I almost threw up in my mouth just typing this);
-Really gelatinous foodstuffs (aspic comes to mind).

And mercifully, that's really about it. What scores high on your skeeve meter?


Soul Reporter said...

Head cheese. What the hell is that stuff anyway? Pigs feet in a jar, pickled. Ewww. Giant cow's tongue, wrapped in cellophane, for sale in the meat department. And I'm with you on the clown thing, I can't shake that they're predators in disguise. I hate clowns.

Karen said...

I skeeve a lot of things, spitting in public is probably highest. I'm weird about textures in my mouth, can't eat eggs or eggplant I'll throw up, yuck. Which brings me to hearing anyone throwing up will cause me to do the same (I'm a nurse, could be a problem). Clowns don't bother me, but seeing anyone with piercings all over their face, lips, ears, nose, etc...makes me cringe.

mary said...

I'm with SR on the head cheese and Karen with the texture issue. Spitting is way up there, too. The smell of certain Italian foods (a left over from morning sickness five years later). However, even though it sounds ridiculous, it is the Ronzoni ads. I'm not sure if they are national or not, but the one with the cap and gown nearly makes me yak every damn time.

amynoroom said...

Cockroaches are #1 for me. They REALLY REALLY scare me.

Feces is #2...haa haa.. no pun intended. The thought of shit on my hands in any way, shape, or form gives me the heebie geebies...I have a little kid and wiping his butt is one of the biggest things I hate to do.

caryl said...

*dry heaves* I get skeeved out reading about what skeeves y'all out. *dry heaves*