Saturday, February 02, 2008

Gotta Represent

After two weeks of hype, the Superbowl finally takes place tomorrow. I'm in the spirit of things; I play several office pools and we go to Aunt Bert's for our own version of a tailgate party. And of course I have to support Eli and my local boys. Let's be honest--Brady and the Patriots are probably going to cream the Giants, but I gotta represent so the game face is ON.

As football goes, I converted in the 1970s. That was the time of Larry Csonka and the heyday of the Miami Dolphins. Larry, with his porn-stache and sideburns was muy macho. But Larry was nothing compared to the quintessiential quarterback--Broadway Joe.Joe Namath was the ultimate quarterback for me. He was sleepy eyed and dangerously dark and damned sexy. It didn't hurt that he was something of a bad boy with a decided penchant for blondes. Playing in Alabama with the legendary Bear Bryant, he was born to be a superstar. I idolized him as a young girl for his skill on the field and his charisma off the field. I admit it--I'd do him now. Seriously. Digression aside, I learned to love the Jets during the Namath period and I've always remained a fan. While the Jets had a crap season this year and an ice cube's chance in Hell in making the playoffs, I'll still continue to support them. In the meantime, I'll be rooting for the Giants tomorrow and hoping for a 12th hour miracle.

Come on, people--you never know.

1 comment:

mary said...

I can't believe you forgot the other Joe, THE Joe! Didn't you live in SF? What about the Packers?