Sunday, November 04, 2007


I had an epiphany today. It really is Fall.

I am in denial about the seasons. Being a creature who embraces the long lingering light and the thick sensual air of a summer day, I've resisted admitting to the inevitable change of the season. Nature (and no doubt Global Warming) have not been much help; we've breezed through October with warm temperatures and gentle days which contributed to ongoing delusion and confused fashion choices. However, the past few days have reinforced the direction of the calendar. It really and truly is Fall.

The first step has to be a deliberate one. The clock was set back last night. This will mean light mornings and pitch black night when I leave the office at the end of the day. I do hate that.

The second step was the distinctly developing chill in the air. Good for my hair, bad for my skin. Note to self: less Frizz-Ease, more Kiehls. This forces a whole new change in my physical preparation. I forgot about I needed to rearrange my toiletries to prepare. That took an hour.

And then the worst aspect of all--clothing. I've procrastinated beyond all measure in making the clothing/footwear seasonal swap. I have waited weeks longer than I should have. I can't help myself. My winter jackets, suits, boots and other coldwear apparel have sat alone in my apartment building storage unit. Yet today, it was time to trot it out.

I lovingly wrapped my many pairs of sandals and peep toes and multi inch wedge sandals in a box for the next few months. I stacked my halters and tanks and sundresses and gently placed them in other boxes. Within an hour, they were packed away not to appear again for maybe six months. This is a hard moment and I took a moment of silence, summoning street fairs and Mister Softee and the hot air blowing up your skirt from the subway. The boxes were duly packed on a luggage cart and schlepped down to my storage unit near the reception area of the building. I transferred the gaiety of my summer wear and withdrew the oppressive mantle of my winter wear: turtlenecks, cashmere sweaters, wool skirts and wool suits. But I also brought out my collection of positively dominatrix-esque boots. Well, that's one saving grace.

So let's force through winter and yes, I will be dressed for it. But now I know why bears hibernate throughout this season. I mean, wouldn't you?


Karen said...

With the exception of cold rainy days, this is my favorite time of year. The air is crisp and clean, the temp is just right. I don't like winter, too many layers to put on, I look too much like a bear, and shivering is not something I like to do. I must say you are very organized in as much that you can actually get your seasonal clothing stored. I must have been getting a milkshake or something when those skills were passed out.

Unknown said...

I fear that I did some extreme closet cleaning at the end of last winter. I am pulling out my fall/winter items and not finding much. Eeeek!