Monday, November 05, 2007

Bits & Pieces

It's Monday and Monday is tailor made for some quick little musings.

-When someone tells me they had a dream and I was in it (as someone did today), my first instinct is to hope that I wasn't an asshole in their dream. Because maybe that would mean they thought I was an asshole in real life. Not that I can control their dream and my bad behavior in it. But still.

-Perhaps the subway is not the best barometer for gauging behavior, but it seems to me that teenagers today have no sense of manners whatsoever. Their general disregard to the comfort of those around them (especially in a already crammed space) and their lack of the general etiquette to others is appalling. They'll sprawl out on multiple seats of a subway when a decrepit senior is hanging on to a standing pole for dear life. They seems utterly incapable of opening their mouths to form the words "Excuse me." And I know I'm no saint, but their blathering of foul language at fever volume is outright offensive. I was a teenager once (incredible as that might seem), but I never recall being so ill mannered. Good Lord--I'm becoming my Grandma.

-Overheard conversation between two 20 somethings waiting online at Starbucks, "She's so fake that she even photoshopped her Facebook pictures." Other girl hisses, "I so hate her!"

-A drive by mousing sighted today but not where I'd usually see it (in the New York office); this was across the wide expanse of my building lobby as I strolled to the elevator. Juan, the cute doorman, chased it into the laundry room. I was not pleased to see the mouse inhabiting the same edifice in which I reside but I was pleased to see the backside of Juan in motion in his tight doorman drawers.

-New favorite lunchtime food item: cilantro grilled chicken and butternut squash salad from the incomparable City Bakery. Expensive fare but well worth it.

-The best laugh I've had this week has to be this video posted on my friend Sarah's blog. She finds the best material ever:

-There was a celebrity in my subway car tonight. John Waters, he of "Hairspray" and camp film fame, entered the car at 42nd Street and stepped off at 50th. He was unmistakable in his natty blue suit, pink topsiders and pencil thin moustache. His mere appearance created much buzz in our crowded subway car. He was cordial and gracious to those who spoke to you would expect from a man who made his first foray into film starring a 300 pound drag queen.

And how was your day?


Unknown said...

Dear God - I feel that someone put a camera in my house on a Wednesday night and made a comedy skit out of it!!

caryl said...

Funny, funny video. "Makin' love for two...makin love for two... minutes." Haha!

Chicken And Waffles said...

Right, girls?! WAAYY too familiar.

Julie said...

I'm jellis that you rode with John