Monday, December 11, 2006

Seems like a good day for a little homage to grits.

Little nuggets of hominy goodness
Yellow or white to one's taste
Slow cooked in a boiling bath
Dished up on my breakfast plate

There are endless ways to serve up grits
Topped with butter and maybe some cheese
Crumble in just a soupcon of pork
Red eye gravy? Oh, yes, please!

In Old English they are "grytta"
Translated it means "a course meal"
In the Southern US and in China
Grits are consumed with abundant zeal.

Grits are the state food of Carolina
They can be served in a myriad of ways
Creamy or rough hewn or country fried
Nothing's finer than this sweet maize.

A real chef cooks them like porridge
On the stove with a slow burning fire
Or leisurely, gently in a crock pot
Microwaves? Only if things are dire.

Grits can be consumed at every meal
With sugar, you would call them a treat
And you gotta love the kind of food
That pairs perfectly with every meat.

Top them with jalapenos or salsa
Add garlic or onions or chives
Honestly, can you imagine a world
Where grits weren't a part of our lives?

So get thee down to the Waffle House
Get an order and hey, get one for me
'Cause up here in the chilly North
Grits are sadly scarce as can be.

1 comment:

SDCrawford said...

my mom is from Alabama so I grew up with grits as a staple. Mmm mmm grits. The best are cheese baked grit - How many sticks of butter & cups of cheese are too many?