Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Back in the Saddle Again

Softball season is now in full gear. I'm a mediocre player at best, but as I always say, what I lack in talent I make up in enthusiasm. I enjoy the simple bonding with my colleagues, working together to make some attempt at defensive play and actually making contact with the bat. We enjoy each other as friends and appreciate the time to get together as a cohesive team.

We've played two games so far. The opponents from our first game were ringers. I guarantee it. It was a painful slaughter, calling forth the mercy rule in the fourth inning. Final score: 22 to 1. We played again last night and here, we exhibited better hitting and somewhat improved defense. After seven innings, the final score was 22-40. Yes, you read that right.

I originally played catcher but was moved to second base because my catching skills are considered reasonable. I batted four times and had 3 RBIs. I was tagged out once at first base. I did hit the base but their baseman was there and called the tag so the umpire checked the call. In truth, I was tagged a split second before I hit the base and the evidence was the dust covered hand print from the first baseman on my thigh. I had to acknowledge it when called out. Reluctantly.

On two occasions that I was on base, I ignored the "hold" instructions from the base coach and advanced. And on both occasions, I was safe. The Man in Plaid instructed me on both cases and in both cases, I first took a sip of his beer (for he base coaches with a beer) and then promptly ignored his advice and ran. He gave me happy grief on this all day today. I gave him grief back--I mean, after all, I scored. I go with my gut and the team coach agreed. Props for the chicken.

Everyone played with great heart and conviction. And while we didn't win, we sustained some minor injuries (me included) but added a renewed determination to win. I don't know why, but damn, this is an awful lot of fun.

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