Sunday, May 06, 2007

I feel better now.


Debra said...

I came across your blog...I am loving the pile of shoes, reminds me of all my shoes!! Nice pedicure and loving the red shoes!
I enjoy reading your blog.

Karen said...

Great color on the toes. I love shoes, all kinds. I think I will clean my closet and retire some of my current ones and after I have made a hefty donation to the shoes and clothing bin, I must meander around the stores in search of something new. Any suggestions?

Chicken And Waffles said...

Karen: I'm a sucker for the emporium that is shoe central: Macy's Herald Square has everything. A city block with every shoe known to man.
I love a place in San Francisco called Jeremy's where I have bought Chanel, Feragamo, Jimmy Choo and Stuart Weitzman for under $100. Barney's Co-op on the Upper West Side in the city has the occasional deal. Olive & Bette (also UWS) is good too for the quirky shoe choice--great clothes too.

And honey, you can never go wrong with a red pair of shoes. They somehow just work.

amynoroom said...

OMG, I love you and all your shoes! You are just too cool!!!! Can I come and rummage thru your pile of summer shoes? I love um!!!!

Nice pedicure, by the way, and I love those shoes too1

nycsoulpatrol said...

Being a NYr, I found this entry hilarious. You write so well; everything is visualized to perfection. Loved it!