Sunday, April 29, 2007

Waffles Will Be Had Along the Way

I've got that darned wanderlust again. It kicks in every so often when I've been rooted in one place too long. I am going to Boston tomorrow for a brief business trip and there are other travels scheduled in the next two months--San Diego and London for business, Atlanta for MaryCatherineFullofGrace's wedding..but that's not the kind of travel I crave. I am hankering like a fiend for a bona fide road trip.

My friend SR has a blog which I contribute to occasionally. One day, for no reason at all, I posed this question on her blog: Is anyone up for a road trip to go to the annual Elvis Festival in Tupelo, Mississippi on the weekend of June 2-3? Visits to local waffle houses along the way would be mandatory. It was sort of a lark, but immediately afterwards, replies came in from familiar monikers I recognized from the chat boards I frequent. What started as an impetuous idea snowballed..a gaggle of women are now coming in from the Chicago area, Atlanta, the New York area, all convening in Mississippi to drink, dance and get down with our bad selves. Barring a work obligation which I need to get out of, I plan to meet up with a local online pal named Bluesgirl, fly to Memphis, rent a bad ass convertible and do our own version of Thelma and Louise down to Tupelo.

Well, why not? You only live once. And you can never have enough waffles.


amynoroom said...

OMG, that sounds like so much fun! Y'all are gonna have a blast!!! Wish I could go.

nycsoulpatrol said...

OK I want to go too.... wheels turning.....

Unknown said...

That sounds freaking awesome, c&w! I'd love to join you, but I haven't even mustered up the courage to tell my DH that I am going to see TH again on the Cape on 6/17. If I tell him I am going to Tupelo for an Elvis fest with strangers, he will surely have me committed first!

Have a blast!

Karen said...

Oh man....I would love to join in. Travelin' with a bunch of girls behaving like ...well naughty
girls; can't think of anything more fun at the moment. Alas, work beckons me so I must decline.
Have a couple of drinks to me and a few waffles as well.

Julie said...
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Julie said...

Girlfriend, when you're in Atlanta you should get in touch and we can go to Fat Matt's Rib Shack for some throw down barbecue!

And Tupelo is gonna be a hoot and a half! Email me or something about hotel arrangements, okay?


Chicken And Waffles said...

Jules: I'd be glad to throw down some BBQ with you. You're on!!
I'm finalizing hotel for the mob and will be in touch, no worries.