-Despite the fact we're squarely in the realm of Spring, there's a rather ominous Nor'easter scheduled to hit tomorrow which will dazzle the region with gale force winds, an onslaught of rain/snow/sleet and treacherous conditions. I am concerned for the delicate spring flowers which have just started to show off their magnificent wardrobes. I'd like to say that we can only blame ourselves for damaging the delicate ecosphere of the planet and we are responsible for this shift in planetary climate changes, but frankly I would sound like a hypocrite having just purchased an SUV. Better to just feel guilty silently.
-My brother Marv called to tell me today that he has been nominated for two Emmy Awards for his news photography coverage. He does so with his usual blase delivery; after all, he has already won two Emmys for his news photography and well (yawn) he doesn't really have much room for them in his house. Of course he's thrilled...as am I for him.
-It was hellish pain to drag my ass from the warm and cozy confines of my lovely bed this morning to go to Tiger's Studio in Chelsea for a two hour kickboxing class, but it was indeed worth it. My partner, a Dutch woman named Patrice, was high energy; the Joshu was very high energy (imagine Billy Blanks on meth); By the time we were doing 12th hour circuit training, even I was high energy. However, by the time I got off the subway at my stop, I was walking off the train like a crippled Quasimodo. So sore. However, I needed the workout today as I test for my blue belt on Monday night.
-I'm seeing an awful lot of bright yellow for Spring in store windows. Yes? No? Only on brunettes? Definitely not on blondes. Should it go away?
-I have some growing anxiety about finding a dress for MaryCatherineFullofGrace's wedding. I have duties that day that she has entrusted to me (keep her son in check during the vows, hold flowers, fluff train/veil, keep predators away, stage whisper vows as crib sheets to her, make sure our heels don't sink into the Georgian red soil while we stand there, etc). I made her walk a store while she was in NYC to find me an example of what she wants and we found a chic gray blue Calvin Klein dress which we both think is ideal. I have to go and try it on, but I have already divined that it is The Dress. I'm not wearing flats--oh no--so I have another challenge to worry about.
-Is it me or is this whole Don Imus thing blown way out of proportion? Yes, he has always been an ass. Yes, it was a way inappropriate use of inappropriate language. But national news worthy for days? Come to Jesus meetings in New Jersey? Come on. When Al Sharpton gets involved, I lose interest. That man is opportunism at its most blatant.
-Hey, I hear the Mister Softee wagon theme. Why--they're there on the corner! Poor deluded fools.
-This coming Friday, Jewels and I are going to a concert at the Beacon Theatre. I've got second row seats to see Taylor Hicks. I'm not one of those fanatical types (in fact, they sort of freak me out) but I do want to see this show. I like the way Hicks embraces the old soul/blues style. And well, I am a sucker for solid harmonica playing. I've already warned my gentle friend Jewels that we're sitting in Soul Patrol Central and that he runs the risks of being trampled. Bless him, he said, "Bring it!" Should be an interesting if not blogworthy evening.
-Did you finish your taxes?
-Who knew "jabon" was the Spanish word for soap? I had a quandary at the bodega yesterday trying to find bar soap. The cashier kept leading me to the soup aisle.
What's new with you?
Hi C&W,I was just browsing over at Touristas and found this link.I didn't know you had your own site!Thought I would drop by to say hello and to tell you to have a fabulous time at The Beacon! Saw the concert at Foxwoods last week and Taylor rocked the house!He is just awesome in concert.Make sure you fill us in on every detail of the show.I'll be looking forward to your review!Take care!
You lucky dog, you - 2nd row!! Nice. Although Jag is correct that he did indeed rock the house at Foxwoods, I was not fully satisfied. His set was very short and there wasn't much harp. I managed some 6th row seats for Hyannis in June. Should be a much better venue for him.
Have a blast!
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