The show was superb, I met lots of friendly faces that correlated with friendly familiar names, enjoyed a few fine Bass Ales and overall had a really lovely evening. That the band was hanging in the bar afterwards was cool. They were open to talking about music, the lack of a solo for their very good bassist (though all are extremely talented musicians), southern food (red velvet cake, if you must know) and other bits and pieces. They were totally cool. In fact, the drummer Zippy gave me one of his thrashed drumsticks and signed it to "Chx & Waffles." God bless. It now occupies a place of honor under my computer (above).
Such fun. But it now 4:27 am and I gotta get some sleep.
Glad you had a fun time! I love LMBO and Zippy is my favorite! What a fun bunch! Get some rest sweet Chix & Waff.
Is this your first time seeing LiMBO? Aren't they fantastic? I was at Foxwoods last night, saw an awesome concert. Hope you get to see Taylor (if you haven't already) you are in for a REAL treat. He is incredibly amazing!!!
Hey Girl!
It was great hanging out with you and I hope to do it again! :-)
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