Monday, April 30, 2007


I'm here in Boston tonight and rather appreciating this lovely city. Henry James was right--Bostonians are mighty fine folk. They appreciate their food, their history, their music, their baseball. They're my kind of people.

Since I'm so darn fatigued after such a long work day and with your indulgence-- tonight here's a short list of what I think makes Massachusetts so great. If you're from this lovely state (or have a strong opinion about it), feel free to add to or amend this list.

-Fall foliage
-Fenway Park
-Breakfast at Mike's City Diner (try the grits)
-Newbury Street
-The weird way they pronounce Peabody (Peabiddy)
-The Lobster Pot in Provincetown
-The Taj Hotel on Arlington
-The Old North Church
-Harvard Square
-The Isabelle Stuart Gardner Museum
-Clam chowder in Nantucket
-The architecture


Unknown said...

I'm from Massachusetts, and let me tell you how pleasant it is to have a New Yorker compliment our fair state!

Some other fine features:
-Prime Rib at Durgin Park
-Turkey sandwich from Prime Roasters in Faneuil Hall
-Fried anything from Captain Frosty's on the Cape
-The Berkshires
-The Big E (largest fair in the Northeast, every September)
-The "Other" Cape; Cape Ann, featuring Rockport & Gloucester, and of course, the Glouscester Fisherman.
-Ipswich Clams
-Knowing how to pronounce "Worcester"
-Yankee Candle flagship store

McFOG said...

I've been to Boston only a few times, but I've always had a great time. One time I was there and had the BEST ice cream at a place called Steve's Ice Cream. I think it was off of the Commons?

SDCrawford said...

The best part of Boston is that they hate the Yankees.

Chicken And Waffles said...

Boston was playing your A's tonight, Miss Sarah. Made me think of you in fact!