Thursdays are like the appetizers to the weekend. You can graze randomly on little events as you lackadaisically make your way towards the entree that is the weekend. It's a downward little mosey now, so your head can come up for air a bit and what's more, you'll be surprised what little grey areas you suddenly notice.
Hmm? What's that? Hey, thanks for asking. Here's what I noticed:
-I got an e-mail from Barney's New York. They are showcasing some kick ass Lucite jewelry and accessories. I lusted openly as I viewed the overpriced but utterly fabulous offerings. There goes my raise. It's utterly involuntary, people. Some things just must be had.
-I was in the Connecticut office today and from the moment I arrived in the office till the time I snuck out, there was someone leaning in my office door, furtively asking, "Do you have a minute?" Agendas, you say? I don't want to sound cynical, but I started to think of this grand scenario akin to "I, Claudius." There were several Augustus Caesars, a few Livias, the odd Sejanus, at least one Caligula and a Claudius (that would be me). I decided to employ my usual method to appease the masses so I could toy with them appropriately--I went to Trader Joe's at lunch, bought a mega bag of candy and installed it in a jar that I found in the office. Alas, the jar was labeled with the name of a magazine that focuses on nasty infections.
-To further cap this fine day, I wore a slinky V-neck tee under a cropped black jacket. This tee had a propensity for sliding down and revealing some un-Yankee like cleavage. To my horror, a party was held today for a long term retiring employee so the local manager pressed me to attend and give a little speech in honor of said employee. As I met several of my new colleagues (while employing rapid arm movements to disguise my exposed cleavage), I visualized my speech: "Hello, I'm the new boss, but I also moonlight as a whore." Great.
-Do you think it's strange to get on a subway at 6:30 am and have a mariachi band (two guitars and a button accordionist) playing while they walk the expanse of the car for donations? Yeah, me neither.
-When I arrived home tonight, I was greeted by the sight of an ambulance parked in front of the building with lights flashing and three paramedics rushing pell mell into the entry. Do you think this is strange? Naw, me either.
-On a curiously empty MetroNorth train this evening, there was man sitting across the aisle from me, compulsively having a good scratch at his crotch area. I concluded he was: a) dealing with an unpleasant crab outbreak; b) Got waxed when drunk and was now dealing with the post wax itch; c) was masturbating in a most ineffectual manner.
-I usually carry a digital camera, but today I left it at home. I realized what a tragedy this was when I arrived at Grand Central today and immediately spied a hapless soul whose clothing sense was 0n a targeted crash course for the Glamour Don't column. This person was wearing a boxy Easter egg pink jacket with matching Easter egg pink cropped pants with flowery hem cutouts with black tights and black flats. Jesus. I couldn't stop looking at it. She was clearly not a tourist. I wanted to run up to her, take her hand and lead her to Bloomingdale's for an intervention, but we both had a job to get to.
-Now and again, I wake up in the middle of the night and smell the heavy odor of cigarette smoke around me. That happened last night at 3 am. The window is closed and there's no smoking going on here, so I like to think it's my Dad hanging with me for awhile. I used to smell cigarette smoke at odd moments after he passed away (he was a smoker in his lifetime) and I sort of assumed it was his way of checking in on me. This was a rather stressful week, so I'm of the mind he was just stopping by. Even if you're skeptical, don't disabuse me of the notion. It gives me comfort.
-So the real highlight as we roll towards the weekend is the anticipation of the arrival of my dearest friend, MaryCatherineFullofGrace. MaryCatherineFullofGrace has been my best friend since we were eight years old and I couldn't be more excited as she treks from from her home in Georgia to hang with me this weekend in New York. She's coming for a pre-wedding girl weekend and has entrusted me, as her aide de camp in this affair, to get her appointments for her hair, waxing and shopping. A heady task, but I couldn't be more ready for it. What a perfect antidote to a very weird week.
Hmm? What's that? Hey, thanks for asking. Here's what I noticed:
-I got an e-mail from Barney's New York. They are showcasing some kick ass Lucite jewelry and accessories. I lusted openly as I viewed the overpriced but utterly fabulous offerings. There goes my raise. It's utterly involuntary, people. Some things just must be had.
-I was in the Connecticut office today and from the moment I arrived in the office till the time I snuck out, there was someone leaning in my office door, furtively asking, "Do you have a minute?" Agendas, you say? I don't want to sound cynical, but I started to think of this grand scenario akin to "I, Claudius." There were several Augustus Caesars, a few Livias, the odd Sejanus, at least one Caligula and a Claudius (that would be me). I decided to employ my usual method to appease the masses so I could toy with them appropriately--I went to Trader Joe's at lunch, bought a mega bag of candy and installed it in a jar that I found in the office. Alas, the jar was labeled with the name of a magazine that focuses on nasty infections.
-To further cap this fine day, I wore a slinky V-neck tee under a cropped black jacket. This tee had a propensity for sliding down and revealing some un-Yankee like cleavage. To my horror, a party was held today for a long term retiring employee so the local manager pressed me to attend and give a little speech in honor of said employee. As I met several of my new colleagues (while employing rapid arm movements to disguise my exposed cleavage), I visualized my speech: "Hello, I'm the new boss, but I also moonlight as a whore." Great.
-Do you think it's strange to get on a subway at 6:30 am and have a mariachi band (two guitars and a button accordionist) playing while they walk the expanse of the car for donations? Yeah, me neither.
-When I arrived home tonight, I was greeted by the sight of an ambulance parked in front of the building with lights flashing and three paramedics rushing pell mell into the entry. Do you think this is strange? Naw, me either.
-On a curiously empty MetroNorth train this evening, there was man sitting across the aisle from me, compulsively having a good scratch at his crotch area. I concluded he was: a) dealing with an unpleasant crab outbreak; b) Got waxed when drunk and was now dealing with the post wax itch; c) was masturbating in a most ineffectual manner.
-I usually carry a digital camera, but today I left it at home. I realized what a tragedy this was when I arrived at Grand Central today and immediately spied a hapless soul whose clothing sense was 0n a targeted crash course for the Glamour Don't column. This person was wearing a boxy Easter egg pink jacket with matching Easter egg pink cropped pants with flowery hem cutouts with black tights and black flats. Jesus. I couldn't stop looking at it. She was clearly not a tourist. I wanted to run up to her, take her hand and lead her to Bloomingdale's for an intervention, but we both had a job to get to.
-Now and again, I wake up in the middle of the night and smell the heavy odor of cigarette smoke around me. That happened last night at 3 am. The window is closed and there's no smoking going on here, so I like to think it's my Dad hanging with me for awhile. I used to smell cigarette smoke at odd moments after he passed away (he was a smoker in his lifetime) and I sort of assumed it was his way of checking in on me. This was a rather stressful week, so I'm of the mind he was just stopping by. Even if you're skeptical, don't disabuse me of the notion. It gives me comfort.
-So the real highlight as we roll towards the weekend is the anticipation of the arrival of my dearest friend, MaryCatherineFullofGrace. MaryCatherineFullofGrace has been my best friend since we were eight years old and I couldn't be more excited as she treks from from her home in Georgia to hang with me this weekend in New York. She's coming for a pre-wedding girl weekend and has entrusted me, as her aide de camp in this affair, to get her appointments for her hair, waxing and shopping. A heady task, but I couldn't be more ready for it. What a perfect antidote to a very weird week.
I hope the weather cooperates with you and MCFoG. Sounds like a heap of fun. BTW, I have a bake sale this weekend and I saw a great recipe for black bottom cupcakes...should I give it a whirl?
Hell-YEAH! Cupcakes=Good
Well please tell MaryCatherineFullofGrace I said hello. We became good friends while I lived in Georgia and I miss her terribly now that I live in Texas.
As a side note, I enjoy reading your entries daily.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Thanks, Mimi! I will happily pass along your gracious regards!
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